Addon Projects - Launched! đź‘Ź

Hello designers,

As you may have noticed, we’ve soft launched the addon projects feature!

And we’ve already had our 2 first custom addon projects launched since release of this new feature :partying_face:

How does it work?

Once a contest is completed, the contest holder can purchase an Addon project with the winning designer.

The contest holder has two primary options:

  1. Purchase a pre-defined project such as a business card, profile image, brand guide, and more (we are gradually rolling out new project types). The scope and pricing for these projects are pre-defined, and you’ll find detailed guidelines in the support section (for example, Business Card Addon).

  2. Purchase a custom project that you agreed on together with the contest holder

Below is the client purchase flow for an addon:

How to purchase an addon project

Purchase flow of a custom project:

The winning designers will have a button to send a custom offer to the contest holder.

The contest holder can then accept the offer and pay for the project:

Extra Notes:

The ones marked with a checkmark shield are mandatory. The rest are optional (we will have a much bigger list of addons soon).

  • Once a contest holder purchases an addon project, you will get an email about it and it will also appear for your in the Addon Projects list.

  • After the contest holder purchases an addon project, it will open up a new section in the contest for the Addon projects. The flow is identical to the logo contest, only that here the contest holder is working with the winning designer only.

This feature has big potential on increasing your revenue on our platform and we’re very excited to finally launch it.

To the Addons, and beyond! :rocket:

P.S. In the future, we may also offer contest holders an option to directly purchase custom projects from designers, without the need to first complete a logo contest.

Hi… its my first addon project, , the project has ended, I have upload the files 6 days ago but no respond yet from ch, maybe you can check the files and approve it :slight_smile: @RetroMetro_Steve


Do you have a link to the addon project that is different from the original contest link you show above? but if you click it you will see " Designer not found in
Agnes Notes Logo Contest" *atthached.
so I have to open the agnes notes contest first so I can move in the addons projects **


@RetroMetro_Steve @LogoArena any update for this? the files sent on march 11th, it’s been 9 days and still no respond from CH

I’ve asked Admin to move this forward for you. Seems I am currently lacking certain site functionality for this particular thing. They will likely either handle it manually or get me sorted with the necessary functionality to do it. Stay tuned…


Hi both, we’re adding better functionality and issuing a few fixes based on some of the initial feedback we’ve received.

@anton_WK Thanks for your patience with this, we will approve the final files shortly.

@RetroMetro_Steve We will ping in private once your access to this is sorted.

sure… I’ll waiting, it’s been 10 days by the way :slight_smile:

It’s been 12 days… please approve the files shortly, it should be 10 days approved automatically just like the regular contest

any update for this? its been 2 weeks

Final files have been approved earlier today :slight_smile: You were among the first designers to utilize this feature, and we had a few bugs to clear out the way… we’re all set now!

yeps! added on my balance yesterday…


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Addons contest :

Its been a week since I’ve Upload the final files, please approve because I have no respond from the client

Best regards,

Thanks @anton_WK and congrats on completing another addon project :slightly_smiling_face:

@RetroMetro_Steve can you please look into approving these files? Thanks!

done plus extra charachters

thanks for fast response @LogoArena @RetroMetro_Steve
added on my balance… :smiley:

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Contest :

he’s kind of interested in our add ons project feature, but he needs more information about that, I try to explain but I think the comment box have a character(letter) limit, I try send him the contact (support@logoarena), but still “NOT SENT”, maybe you can reach him and explain Steve.


Thanks @anton_WK, we have sent all the details to the contest holder. Also note that you can always refer to our very detailed guide on our support section here:

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